Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why do I run?

Well I can say that before April of 2010 I hated running. What has change? God changed me.
He gave me the desire to use my body to do something for His Kingdom. I hear a group speak at church about running the Chicago Marathon to change lives in Africa. I said to myself. I can't never go there but if I can help form here I'll do it. I never knew how hard was to do a marathon. 26.2 miles didn't sound too long. I was not used to measure anything in miles in Colombia. Later I told a friend and we figure the distance in km was 42. Well that is still a low number. I guess I never knew until I ran it.
Any way I started training and did my first marathon in October 10, 2010. I ran 14 miles and walked 12.
The problem is I didn't raise what I wanted to raise $1300.
Now this year I'm doing it again. And I hope that if you are reading this you support me. I really want to get to my goal this year. $1,300 is not a lot if we all give some.
Here is where you can give:
Look for Laura Miller Moody Church Team
Watch this:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bike The Drive

This Memorial Day weekend was the ride on Lake Shore Drive. It was cold and foggy. It was also hard to wake up before 5 am. but I went... by myself because my friend Marilyn was recuperating from a surgery.
I rode about 15 miles. Started on Grant Park (downtown Chicago) and went south all the way to 57th street. I turned around and went north to Grant Park again. I took a break to get water and some energy blocks. I rode again north bound to church. I made it on time for the early Sunday School Class with Mary Welchell. I met with my family for service. They put the bike on the rack behind the car and took me home.
What a nice nap I took.

5 K Test

Well, my 5k test went well. I did it in 34. something minutes. That means that I can finish the marathon in 5:30 or 5:45.
I run with Cynthia and the Team World Vision by the Lake.
That's good news.
Next week I'm running another 5K. This time I'll chaperone a fifth grader that is running or Girls on the Run. I'll write about it next weekend.
I asked my neighbor Denise why I hadn't lost any weight while running. I mean I actually gained 10 pounds since last year. She told me to log my food intake and figure out what I'm eating. I downloaded an application to my phone that will count my calories. This application told me I have to take 1540 calories per day. I'll see how that goes.
The application is called LOSE IT.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Freezing training.

March 2, 2011 was really cold. I went to run by the lake with the Fleet Feet group. I was a good run 5 miles but I was getting too cold. The lake was beautifully strange, dark, quiet and wet. The water was moving in small waves.

I hope I'm ready for the Shamrock Shuffle on April 19th. This is an 8K run downtown Chicago. I already have my green top to wear.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Steps

I signed up for the 2011 Chicago Marathon. It's my second one and I'm predicting it will be better. I need to use the experience from the first one to train better and to run it all.